Sunday, August 7, 2016

Beautiful Disaster - Malibu smokey sunset from the Santa Clarita Fire

Here’s one I processed when I went to overlook Malibu when the sky was filled with smoke from the Santa Clarita fire. While unfortunate, it provided some really nice colors to the sky at sunset. No fog this night so I took advantage of seeing the entire canyon road by capturing car trails traveling up and down it. May look small from the pic but you can see a few roadside houses for scale. I’d say it takes cars anywhere from 3-5 minutes to get from one end to the other. Since there weren’t many cars, this shot is made of multiple exposures using the “lighten” blend mode in PS to show the trails from every snap. Left the hillside darker but not completely black to emphasize the trails and the beautiful sky.

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Brandon Yoshizawa
B.A.Y | photography
Landscape and Wildlife photography